A Great Deal for Homeschoolers!

Recently I reviewed VIrtual Nerd an online math tutor subscription service.   (You can read about my review here or check out the other reviews from the Homeschool Crew here)

Virtual Nerd has announced a special offer to home educators on their 1 month and 3 month subscription service .

Here is the offer they left in a comment on my Virtual Nerd review:

We are pleased to inform you that because Virtual Nerd (www.VirtualNerd.com) has received such significant interest following your review of our online tutoring service, we are offering a special discount to homeschool parents. Homeschool parents can receive 50% off the 1 and 3 month subscription plans. Just enter the discount code: homeschooldeal when you sign up for service. That is a huge discount, and hurry - the offer is valid until March 31, 2011!

The regular price for a 1 month subscription is $49.  A three month subscription is $129.   Click here to sign up!  And don’t for to enter the discount code: homeschooldeal to get 50%! 

I’d love to hear  from you if you take advantage of the promo deal!  Just leave me a comment and let me know you signed up! 


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