Random 5 on Friday {November 22nd Edition}

Yes, I know it is Saturday but I wouldn’t let myself post this yesterday because I wanted to get my book review and giveaway posted for The First Christmas Night.  I don’t like posting twice in one day to my blog if I can avoid it. It just doesn’t feel right to not post for days in a row and then post multiple posts in one day. I just can’t do it.

So here’s this week’s Randomness or Roundup or Random Thoughts Open-mouthed smile

1. On Tuesday November 19th my husband and I celebrated 19 years of marriage. Tailorbear, Turtlegirl, and Supergirl created a romantic “restaurant” feel for our special dinner which the girls helped cooked. Tailorbear even provided classical dinner music through her Spotify account for us!


2. Because Boobear is a music student, we get free/discounted tickets to the different music concerts presented.  On our anniversary there just happened to be a Symphony Concert.  Guess what?  They did excerpts from Handel’s Messiah.  Two of the college choirs provided the voices. I love the Messiah.

3. Also on Tuesday I got my email from Kate, Director of Product Reviews, letting me know that I was accepted for another year on the Crew!  I am so excited! I joined the Crew in June of 2010 and it has been such a blessing for me and for my whole family.  Looking forward to another year (starting in January!) of wonderful products and making new friends.

4. I started following the ideas of Trim Healthy Mama in the beginning of August. Today I am 15 pounds less of a person Open-mouthed smile.  I think I have a pair of jeans that I am just going to have to get rid of.  They are “uncomfortably too big”.  Never ever thought I would ever think of anything as uncomfortably too big but I’m getting tired of having to keep pulling them up when they start to fall down.

5. I am really bummed that we don’t have cable or satellite dish so I cannot watch the 50th Anniversary Special for Doctor Who.  I had to console myself by going to a local shop that specializes in British treats.  It’s a tea shop and a store. I really wanted to sit and order something like “Adipose soup” or the “River Song sandwich” but I didn’t have time so settled for “Don’t Blink Mini-Vickies” to bring home.

"Don't Blink" Mini-Vickies in honor of Dr. Who

The Pebble Pond

Come join us over at the Pebble Pond for this week’s Edition of Random 5 on Friday!


  1. Hi, Tess. I'm coming by from Keeping It Real. :-) My 19th anniversary is this year also, coming up soon in December. :-)

    It is nice to get to know a little about you, and I look forward to "visiting" others in the group as well.


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