Family Traditions, The Building of Treasure

Today is Valentine's Day.. well what's left of today. We don't really have any specific Valentine's Day traditions in our family but we try to have a nice meal. Tonight we served shrimp (not for me.. I had steak LOL), Gourmet Pototoes, and fresh steamed asparagus. This is NOT everyday fare for us. This is special.

Last night was pizza night. That's a family tradition for us. If it's Friday night, it's Pizza Night. SpecialGirl is learning the days of week. She's knows her days like this: Monday is "Therapy Day", Saturday is "Daddy stay home day", Sunday is "Church Day" and Friday? yup you guessed it.. Pizza. Conversations like this happen nearly every week: SuperGirl "Is it Friday?" Me: "Yes" SuperGirl "Daddy make homemade?" Me: "Yes". Then SuperGirl does her little happy dance and says "I'm so excited". (I am going to have to videotape it!)

Friday Night Pizza night is not the only family tradition that we have. We also have "Birthday Cake for Breakfast". The day AFTER a birthday, the leftover birthday cake is served for breakfast. I refuse to serve ice cream with it but I let them drink all the milk they want. I don't remember exactly how the birthday cake breakfast started. I just know that it is part of our family. It's something we use to build those memories and foster "togetherness". The traditions are kind of like nuggets of treasure that we are building up in our family.

Scripture tells us that where our treasure is there our heart is also. Yes, Jesus is telling us to lay up treasure in heaven and not to be concerned with the things of this world. But it struck me that if I want the hearts of my children, I need to help them build up the treasure of the family so that their little hearts would be with the family. The traditions build up the treasure in the family. Are you building up treasure in your family?

For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
Matthew 6: 21


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