The Word: Jesus

I'm rather talkative tonight, but this is on my heart right now. Honeybear and I have been doing a bit of researching and studying. We're been asking ourselves "what do we believe? and why do we believe it?". I know that my husband has been reading through different creeds and confession such as the Augsburg Confession and the 1689 London Baptist Confession. Honeybear's even been reading through Early Church History and some online articles by some early church fathers.

This morning the girls and I were doing chores and we were listening to "Victory Chant" from our WOW cd. I cried. I heard "Jesus is my Lord, I will obey Your Word. I want to see Your Kingdom come. Not my will but yours be done". It was as though I heard in my heart (or soul)... I will obey *you* because though we refer to the Bible as the Word of God.. Jesus *is* the Word of God. He is the *logos* made flesh. To obey God's Word is to Obey Jesus. I do long for that communion with Him. I believe that He is reigning now but I know that heaven is also His Kingdom and I long for that time in heaven when I will be in perfect communion with Him.... forever. Oh I am not yet ready to leave this world, my girls still need me; my honeybear still needs me, but I look forward to His Kingdom in a way that I don't remember ever doing before. I love the line "Not my will but yours be done".. I am reminded of the passage in John where Jesus prayed in the garden before His arrest. And I am reminded of how we are called to pick up our cross and deny ourselves and follow Him. To deny myself, means to give up and surrender my will. I must surrender to Him all that I am in order to obey Him. The more I surrender of myself, the more I can be filled with Him and be conformed to His image.

23 If any man will come after me let him deny himself and take up his cross daily, and follow me.24 For whosever will save his life shall lost it; but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it. Luke 9:23-24


  1. Hi Tess,
    I have been trying to contact you but do not have a current email address. Could you send me an email when you get a chance so I can write you back, please? Thanks!

    Kristen :o)


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