Why I Home school

On a forum I frequent, the question has come up “Why do you home school?” I think that is a great question and I think each and every family has a different answer. I think I’ve shared glimpses of our reasons for choosing to educate our children at home but, sometimes, I forget why I am doing this as I get bogged down in the pressure to make sure I cover everything and that I use the best program. I worry about how I’m failing to teach them and I get frustrated with a messy house, undone school work and I want to scream and run away.

I’m sure I’ve written on this topic before. Ah here it is. I wrote about what I liked best. That hasn’t changed and yesterday reaffirmed me that what I like best is what I love most about the privilege of home schooling my children. And it is the reason I continue to home school.

Yesterday, I didn’t get a lick of the academics completed that I had planned but what I did accomplish was so much more important.

Yesterday, I spent time building a relationship with my daughters. Yesterday, was a day of discipleship and sharing. My girls are 14 (for a few more days), 12 (for two more months) and 11. They are as different as can be from each other. Each one has her own strengths, her own weaknesses and her own personality. Parenting them presents challenges that I never imagined! One approach works great for one but is the wrong way for another.

Yesterday, I took the time to affirm and acknowledge that they are *girls* and I shared with them that I was once a *girl*. We talked about how boys are cute and what it means to hold on to your heart and not give it away. We talked about the consequences of giving away your heart too soon. I helped my 12 year old realize that it was *normal* to think boys were cute and that thinking they were cute did not necessarily mean that you were giving your heart away.

We had fun as we laughed and chatted. They got to know me a little better and I got to confirm that I know them better than they think I do. It was a confirmation for me as well that yes I do know my girls.

Yesterday my oldest daughter and I took a baby step away from the mother/daughter relationship and a teeny, tiny, half step towards the friends/sisters in Christ relationship.

So why do I continue to home school? So that I can have those teaching moments that go far and beyond history, math, and English. I home school because I enjoy being with my children and seeing the lovely ladies they are becoming. I home school because it allows me to be a part of their life.



  1. Amen! What an amazing privilege we, as homeschoolers, have!

  2. Even though I don't homeschool, this is a great post and wonderful to read! Your girls are wonderful, good job!

  3. Great post, Tess...

    and that sounds like a fantastic day :)

  4. Hi!!!
    Stopping by from the Crew. What a wonderful post. I have 5 daughters, ranging from 13-9months,it is a great pleasure to be a homeschooler.


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