TOS Review: “Vocabulary Cartoons”

Near the beginning of the Cruise year, our wonderful Vendor Liaison, Brenda, posted a list of upcoming vendors.  I saw New Monic Books on the list and I waited in anticipation for the list of names to be posted.  I knew that I had at least one daughter who would devour this book! There were cheers from everyone in our house when mommy found her name on the list.

Turtlegirl is my language girl.  She has always had a love for words, so it was no surprise to me that she disappeared with the book moments after it arrived.  I heard her giggle and laugh.  

Vocabulary Cartoons

 Vocabulary Cartoons: SAT Word Power ($12.95)from New Monic Books is not just entertaining; it’s educational.   While giggling and laughing, Turtlegirl, along with her sisters, increases vocabulary knowledge.  The book also helps to expand writing skills as the girls seek to out do each other making up sentences with the words. 

How does Vocabulary Cartoons Work?

Vocabulary Cartoons uses  mnemonics, a device used to help you remember something by associating it with something you already know.  The website has a detailed explanation of how Vocabulary Cartoons uses mnemonics which you can read here.

Each page focuses on one word and includes the definition, a link word, a cartoon with a caption, and several sentences using the word.   You can see samples of the cartoons here and here

Reviews are included after every 10 words.  10 matching and 10 fill in the blank with an answer key in the back of the book.   I had my children write their answers on notebook paper and I used the reviews as quizes.

I appreciate that New Monics Books includes the pronunciation of each word with the definition.  I didn’t have to guess, or struggle or put the book down and go to another source to find the proper pronunciation.

You can view a complete word list for this volume by clicking here.

How we used Vocabulary Cartoons

We used this in a group setting rather than having each girl work through it independently.   This accomplishes two things: makes sharing easier, and we get to have fun together.   We used Vocabulary Cartoons 2 to 3 times a week covering 3 to 4 words in a session.

Because I am the mom, I get control of the book.   I would sit in my rocking chair and the girls would sprawl over the couches or floor or like this morning, Tailorbear preferred to be upside down (I really should have taken a picture!).  After reading  the word, the definition, and the link word, I flip the book around to show them the cartoon.   Whoever is closest to the book gets to read the caption to all of us.   I then read the sentences to the girls.

When we’ve  done this for 3 or 4 words, we then review words from previous sessions.    Sometimes I’ll call out the word and they give me the link word and definition.  Sometimes I’ll call out the link word and they give me the vocabulary word and the definition, and just because I have to change things up, I’ll sometimes call out the definition and ask for the link word and vocabulary word.

Doesn’t sound too exciting or fun does it?  But wait, now we get to the fun part!  The girls and I then start to make up sentences using the words we’ve learned so far. Some of these sentences get rather silly but the sillier the sentence the better for remembering the definition.   Lately, the girls have been watching the BBC’s Robin Hood.  Supergirl is almost obsessed with Robin Hood.   Robin Hood inspired many sentences. Throughout the day, we continue to make up sentences when possible to use those vocabulary words. 

My Thoughts

I am so impressed with this book that I am putting the Elementary Edition (be sure and watch the Cruise Blog for an upcoming review from some of my fellow crewmates) and the  Vocabulary Cartoons II SAT Word Power on my wish list.  

This has been an easy and enjoyable way to include vocabulary studies in our home school.  At first glance a cartoon book to learn vocabulary doesn’t seem educational enough, but when using the review pages included as quizzes, two girls got 100 % and one received 90% (18/20).  It works.  Not only are my children learning vocabulary, but I am learning new words as well!

I’d like to close with these thoughts from girls:

Turtlegirl says “I liked this. It is fun.  I am enjoying myself. I don’t know but I think it is good for me.  I like the sentences and the link words.  The sentences are often very funny.  Two thumbs up.”

Tailorbear says “Some of the cartoons are confusing because they don’t always follow the meaning of the word, but I still like it. It is very fun.  Only one thumb up because of the confusing cartoon.  Vocabulary Cartoons makes my sister, Supergirl, laugh.”

BooBear says “They are very enjoyable, quick and easy.  Two Thumbs up.”

Click below to read what my fellow crew mates have to say about Vocabulary Cartoons SAT Word Power.


Disclaimer: As a TOS Crew member, I received Vocabulary Cartoons SAT Word Power free of charge so that I could provide my honest review. I received no other compensation.


  1. I need those for Russian words. They sound wonderful.
    I like the upside down part :)


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