Home schooling: A Family Affair

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It’s been quite some time since I’ve participated in a Blog Cruise.  I didn’t feel I had anything to contribute these past few weeks but this week I’d love to talk about “How are your spouse, grandparents, or other family members involved in your homeschooling?”

My girls are getting an incredible education here at home but I wouldn’t be able to do it without the support and involvement of Honeybear. 

So just what does he do?  He listens.   Sometimes I just need to talk through what I am trying to accomplish.  By telling him what’s working and what’s not working, I can figure out what needs to change in our curriculum plan.

He reads.  About 8 years ago he took over reading the read alouds in the evening before bed.  We use Sonlight for history and literature.  I would read the history during the day and at night he would read the “read aloud” to all of us.   We all have wonderful fond memories of daddy reading while we’re all snuggled together in the living room listening.  

As we added multiple “Cores” to our day, we would take turns reading at night.   He’d read a chapter or two from one book and then I read a chapter or two from another book.  Sometimes we’d alternate nights with one of us reading a couple of days assignments and the next night the other one reading two days worth from the other book.

When I had several history programs to read aloud, he helped by reading those as well.   This year he is reading some of TailorBear’s history.   He actually *asked* if he could please read the Usborne World Wars book. 

He corrects.   Sometimes he’ll grade a paper for English class but usually he’ll correct math worksheets.   Now if I could just get him to record those grades in my Homeschool Tracker :)

He leads.  We are a talkative family.  He leads discussions about current events or topics they are currently studying.  It can get interesting around here.  I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve walked into a room to hear some sort of discussion about history that he has started.

He encourages.   Many times I have wanted to quit.  He encourages me to keep going.  When one of the girls says “I can’t”.  He tells them, yes you can.  I know you can. 

He’s not the only one who has helped out with school.  Now that the girls are older, they have been involved with helping me as well. While I work out algebra equations with Turtlegirl, Tailorbear or BooBear will read a book to Supergirl.  While I discuss “dress ups” in the English paper with Tailorbear, Turtlegirl helps Supergirl explore addition.  You get the idea.

For us, home schooling is a family affair with everyone doing their part to ensure we are all well educated.


  1. Great post!

    I decided I just cannot participate in this cruise...

  2. I loved how your post really shows your husband's commitment to you and your family and to homeschooling. That is truly a blessing to have.


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