The Lost Treasure of the Incas

Whenever we do a deep cleaning (you know the kind where you dig out in the corners where you’ve stuffed everything out of sight, under couch cushions, and the far reaches of the closet?) my husband will call out “have you found the lost treasure of the Incas yet?”

This week we’ve been half heartedly doing some deep cleaning.  Today, Turtlegirl brought me a letter.  She said she found it in her room.  No one could answer how this folded, old note got into their room (from out of my dresser drawer!!).   She wanted to know what it was.

It was lost treasure.   I really thought I had lost it.  It was supposed to be in the rubbermaid container with other sentimental notes but wasn’t and I thought I had inadvertently tossed it in the trash.

It isn’t treasure that will pay the bills or fund our retirement.  It’s a treasure in my heart.   I still remember the day I received that note.  I don’t remember what I was wearing but I remember what he was wearing (his black cowboy boots, blue jeans, the black shirt open at the collar with a silver chain around his neck.   The cowboy boots are long gone as are the jeans but the shirt still sits in our closet.  It’s a little snug but hey it’s been 18 years).

It’s the first letter my husband ever wrote for me.  We’d had our first kiss and it was a very sweet and romantic note about our first kiss.  It was odd though to actually see my name at the top.  For years and years letters have been addressed to Dear and signed by Honey.   So I guess the letter proves that he did indeed learn my name after all. 

It may not be worth gold or silver but today we did indeed find the lost treasure of the Incas!


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