Reading Aloud Challenge Update 3/31

A couple of weeks ago my friend Debra issued a reading aloud challenge to herself.  Last week, I joined her albeit a little late.  Today I’m joining her again.  

In my last R.A.C (That’s Reading Aloud Challenge) post,  I mentioned that I was going to give the girls a choice between 3 books.  I plan on eventually reading all three books but let them decide which one to read first.

The girls voted for Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH and asked for The Last Battle to be added to the list of upcoming read alouds.

We have not done as much reading aloud as I originally planned so I’m trying to take the position of “some is better than none.”

Here is what we *have* read aloud this week:

  • Honeybear read at least 3 days worth of history to Tailorbear from the Usborne World Wars book.  They are almost finished!
  • I finished one story from The Dutch Twins and started the next week.  Only Supergirl is really listening to this one though I think Tailorbear secretly enjoys it.   She was choosing to tidy the living room while I read aloud
  • We’ve read one chapter from Mrs. Frisby.
  • We started another Yesterday’s Classic book on the Nook entitled Great Inventors and Their Inventions.  We started with James Watt.
  • Supergirl and I started reading a Circle C Beginners book: Andi’s Fair Surprise.  I’m mostly reading it aloud but she is reading some of the words she is able to read.

We did not listen to Caddie Woodlawn.  We only have one disk left and it is due back at the library on Saturday.   Planning on finishing it this week!

So how has Reading Aloud gone for you in your home this week?

This post is linked to Debra’s Reading Aloud Challenge at Footprints in the Butter.


  1. We read aloud every day, I will have to get a post written and join in. It will be fun seeing what everyone is reading.

  2. We enjoyed reading aloud from Andi's Fair Surprise this week, too--as well as one of the Yesterday's Classics titles. It sounds like you've had a productive week. :)

  3. I think you did great! I have to get going on the Circle C book too. I'm tempted to have Thomas read it to Richard & Trina.

    Thanks for the idea to create a linky for this. :)


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