Thinking Back on the Crew Year

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I can’t believe how fast the year has gone!  The Crew year starts in mid-June and we’ll finish up the year at the end of May.  Jodi, our lovely Blog Cruise hostess, encourages us to share our favorite homeschool experience in relation to our participation in this year’s Crew. I don’t know how to pick out ONE favorite experience so I’ll share three specific experiences.

First, I  want to share about something that happened early in the crew year.  Our Vendor Liaison Crew Leader, Brenda kept a list for us of upcoming vendors with links to the website.  This list whet our appetites and kept us guessing as to which particular product we might receive. 

There was a vendor on the list that I was sure I did not want their product.  Just what in the world would I do with it?  Why would I want it.  It seemed geared for the classroom; how would it possibly work in a home environment?  I was sure this was one product that I did NOT want.  Well, my name was on the list.  Remember this was very early in the Crew year.  I’ve been keeping a top ten list of favorite products and here we are two weeks from the end of the Crew year and this product is STILL in the number one slot!  I bet you’re curious right? You want to know what it is?  It’s LanSchool.  You can read my review here.   What an experience to think that I wouldn’t want a product and to find out that it’s been something we have loved and used every day!

The second experience is also product specific.  In this case though I knew from the get go that I *wanted*, no *needed* this product.  I shouted for joy (really nearly woke up my children!) when I saw my name on the vendor list for IEW.   But even though I knew I wanted and needed this product, I had no idea just how well Teaching Writing Structure and Style along with Student Writing Intensive would be for my family.  I didn’t expect that I would end up planning on purchases MORE products from IEW.  You can read my review of IEW here.

I wish I had a picture that captures the essence of experience number 3.   Pictures are worth a 1,000 words but my words will have to suffice.  This isn’t about a product per se but rather about Supergirl’s reaction.  Whenever we would receive a product that was specifically targeted for her, she would get so excited.  She wants so much to be like her sisters.  She wants her own school.  We’ve been so incredibly blessed by the Crew with review products just for her that have been *incredible*.  In fact, I’ve set aside much of the curriculum I had planned to use with her in order to continue using products after the review period was completed.   We’re using a Latin program, a reading program, a social studies program and a science program all provided by the Review Crew.

I have loved being a part of the Crew.  Thanks Old Schoolhouse Magazine for the opportunity of a lifetime.


  1. As a Crew outsider, I have to say that it has appeared to be such a blessing to you, and your reviews have been a blessing to others.
    Congratulations on a job well done!

  2. Thank you! You make me feel "lovely". :-) You also listed my 2 top fave products from this year. I love that Supergirl was so excited about being part of the review team too. How sweet! Thanks for participating in the Blog Cruise this year, you've done such a great job, Tess!

  3. So glad this has been a good year for you! We've received several products which have really blessed us, too. IEW is one of our favorites as well. :)

  4. I've enjoyed getting acquainted with you this year, my first year on the Crew. I think it is interesting how, there are things we really wanted or didn't want....but God knew just what really NEEDED. That's been an awesome experience!

  5. I love Lanschool, too.! And we all thought IEW was fantastic! What a cute description of Supergirl!


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