Gearing up for the new Crew Year

PhotobucketIf you’ve been a regular reader of my blog, then you know that I was a “crewmate” on the 2010-2011 Old Schoolhouse Review Crew.  I had an amazing, blessed and wonderful time as a crewmate so without hesitation I filled out my returning crew mate application.

The new 2011-2012 Crew year is getting under way and I am getting so excited!  The upcoming vendor list is growing nearly daily.  (You can see what’s “on deck” for the crew reviews this year by going to visit the Homeschool Crew Blog here.  The right hand sidebar lists the upcoming vendors. Check back regularly for updates!)  The first couple of vendor interest forms have been posted for the crew to fill out and I am expecting that the crewmates will see the first Vendor Review List posted this week, maybe even today!

The Vendor Review List is the *the* list that crew members watch for like hawks.  If our name is on the list, it means that we will be receiving the product for review.  There’s always some nervous excitement going on in my house when we’re waiting for the new Vendor List to post.

As my name begins to appear on Vendor Lists, I’ll bring my “Upcoming Reviews” link list in my side bar.  Regular readers may recall that I had a list last year stating the product or vendor (linked to the website) along with a due date.  Not sure yet how I’ll approach it this year but do look for something similar in the next few weeks as Vendor Lists begin to post for the crew.


This year, I’ll also be serving as a Deck Hand.  What is a deck hand?  A deck hand is simply a crew mate who has served at least one year on the crew and has volunteered to do some “behind the scenes” work to help the crew year sail smoothly.  During the quiet time of switching crew years, many deck hands were busy helping our Crew Leaders get things prepared for the new year.  Some of us even had “training” between the ending of one year and the starting up of this new year.  I have a deeper appreciation now of the work Heidi and Brenda (our Crew Leaders) do in order to keep this program running. 

I am so excited for this year!   I know it’s going to be another great year! 


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