Reading… Just Not Aloud

It’s been weeks since I’ve participated in Debra’s Reading Aloud Challenge over at Footprints in the Butter. I took a sort of kind of blogging vacation during the month of June and now that we are half way through July, I’m starting to get back into the swing of blogging again.

But that it isn’t really the reason I haven’t posted about reading aloud.  I haven’t posted about reading aloud because, well, we haven’t been.  I had big plans for spending lots of time reading aloud.  I envisioned myself with my children sitting outside basking in the sun and enjoying a lazy day of reading aloud.   Life, or the weather, or both has had other plans.  It’s just not really been a very sunny (or warm) summer and when we do get some sun and warmth we have other things and other ways to enjoy the sun like BBQ Picnics with the handmaidens at church or Backyard BBQ’s with friends.  Or necessary chores like yard work.   <sigh>

But just because we haven’t been reading aloud doesn’t mean that we haven’t been reading books.  The girls have been enjoying lots of books this summer.   During the summer, I give them more freedom to choose books from whatever genre they want.  They are also allowed to choose books to read that are *way* below their reading level.  Who wants to always read challenging books?  Even I need to read “candy” books just to relax.

Maybe next week I’ll post some of the books we've all been reading and maybe I’ll even have read something aloud <grin>

To join this week’s challenge and to read Debra’s post for this week click here.


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