TOS Review: Discovering Who I am In Christ


For the past several weeks Turtlegirl, age 14, and I have been working through Deeper Roots’ Discovering Who I am In Christ bible study. This study is intended for students in grade 8 but can be used for grades 7 or 9 as well.

Discovering Who I am in Christ is book 2 in the Discovering Series Photobucketbut book 1 is not a prerequisite for this course.  This book focuses on helping 7th, 8th and 9th graders understand their identity in Christ. The teacher book is laid out exactly like the student book but contains answers, teaching tips, suggestions and notes.  For the study pages and tests the teacher guide has the student copy and a second copy with the answers.

Through the TOS Crew we received the student workbook and the teacher guide. The teacher guide which sells for $28.95 is the heart of the program and, in my opinion, a necessary component.  I recommend purchasing the teacher guide even if you do not purchase a student workbook ($19.95)

We really like this course but before I get into what I am loving about this Bible Study I’d like to share a few cons:

  • Though labeled as a “Home school edition”  this was not home school friendly.  It is laid out for a classroom approach involving multiple children.
  • If I were to do this program exactly as laid out it would be very teacher prep intensive.  I am not willing to do that much prep for just one student that I am teaching one on one
  • Requires outside sources such as movies, books or movie clips to watch and additional supplies such as poster boards, markers, and wooden blocks.  Having to hunt down materials to use in a presentation designed for a classroom does not appeal to me in a home school Bible study.

Despite the cons I’ve listed above there are some things that I am really loving about this curriculum:

  • I love the focus.  I wanted to review this product because I felt my daughter would greatly benefit from a better understanding of who she is in Christ.
  • I love the discussions I am having with Turtlegirl.  We get to spend time one on one going over the questions and discussing the answers
  • Turtlegirl says she likes the discussions too and that it isn’t hard to add stuff from our denomination.
  • I loved how it easy it was to use a study bible to give deeper insight to the verses used in each lesson.
  • Turtlegirl also likes the “reflections” section because they give her an opportunity to write.

I think that this product as written would be an excellent curriculum for a Co-Op or Sunday School but for homeschoolers I would adapt the program by cutting out the presentations and just focus on using the questions as a starting point for some great in-depth family discussions.

Visit the Deeper Roots Website here: Deeper Roots.  In addition to the Discovering Series of bible studies for junior and sr high students you’ll find lots of other resources too!

The TOS crew reviewed several Deeper Roots products. Click on the banner to read other TOS Crew Reviews
PhotobucketAll information is correct and accurate as of the date of this review.

Disclaimer: As a TOS Crew member, I received this product free of charge to review. This review is my honest opinion with, hopefully, enough detail as to why I liked or did not like a product so that my readers can make an informed decision. I received no compensation.


  1. I agree entirely (although I also entirely forgot those same cons)! We are planning to continue minus the teacher-intensive prep for those very wonderful discussions.

    Laura@Wasted Textbooks

  2. Laura,
    We're planning on continuing as well. The one on one discussions with my teen daughter have been wonderful for our relationship as well as for her growing in her relationship with Christ.

  3. Finally got around to reading this! I am considering this for after finishing up the one we did for review. It sounds like they are very similar in set-up, so at least I know what I'm getting into!


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