2011 Gratitude Challenge Day 3

Some days are easier than others to find something to be thankful for.  Today is one of those days for me.  A couple of my daughters woke up on the wrong side of the bed.  We’ve had lots of tears.

One of my daughters is even further behind in her her English studies than I thought.  Another daughter isn’t as far along in math and I am several weeks behind in read alouds.

But that isn’t all.  The washing machine decided it just did not want to fill with water.  At least not when I wanted it to fill with water.  Turn the dial.  Pull knob to start.  Nothing happens.   Push in knob.  Turn dial some more.  Pull to start.  Nothing.   Push in, turn, Pull.  Water starts!  Oh wait.  Wrong cycle.  Push in, turn, pull and NOTHING.

So today it is a challenge to find something I want to express gratitude over.   My daughter, who’s behind in English, said “you could be thankful that I got caught up on my Teaching the Classics homework.”   Yes.  She did set the timer for 45 minutes and work very diligently to complete the work she was assigned to finish a week ago.  I am grateful that she was able to stay focused and worked through several days worth of TC.

I’m also grateful that we own more than one computer.  Two children are currently using the computers to do school work while I type this post on my laptop.

And I’m grateful for my husband who is more than willing to fix the washing machine and the dryer when needed.  A few weeks ago when the washer would not agitate correctly he fixed it.  He thinks he can fix the washer.  I am thankful that he can do those kinds of repairs for us. 

What are you thankful for today?  Come join Brenda at Garden of Learning and link up to the 2011 Gratitude Challenge.


  1. Isn't it great sometimes to think about our blessings even on days like this? We all need reminders of God's goodness to us.

  2. Meant to tell you that I'm also following you from the Crew! :)

  3. I can so relate. I have days like that too and I have to find a reason to be thankful. (((HUGS)))


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