TOS Review Math Mammoth


Thanks to some friends who have reviewed Math Mammoth in past TOS Crew years, I had heard some wonderful things about the math programs.  Knowing that a couple of my girls could use a different approach to math, I expressed interest in reviewing this vendor.

I have not been disappointed.  Maria Miller, author of the Math Mammoth books, helped me to choose the best program for Tailorbear.  She also included some math for Supergirl.  Tailorbear received the complete worktext for Grade 6 from the Light Blue Series.  For Supergirl, Maria gave us Addition 1 from the Blue Series. (These are only TWO of the series available.  Click here to see all the options available!)


The Light Blue Series is complete curriculum available for grades 1-6.  We found it challenging but engaging and easy to use.   By challenging, I mean that Tailorbear had to apply herself.  This, in my opinion, is a positive feature.  I don’t want a math curriculum that is hard to understand or hard to use, but I don’t want a math program that doesn’t encourage my daughter to apply herself. 

The description “complete curriculum” means very thorough!  All the concepts that a 6th grader needs are included but they are in bite size, easy to swallow pieces.Tailorbear shared with me that her favorite thing about Math Mammoth was the way it was divided into manageable chunks.  I like that Tailorbear can be mostly independent with this math program.  The instructions are easy to understand.

Thoughts from Tailorbear: It’s alright.  It’s just really really tough but it’s ok.  I like the Mammoth.  It’s adorable. It’s got good math skills so that’s kind of why I like it.  I like how it is organized.


Addition 1 from the Blue Series has been a wonderful program for Supergirl.  She really enjoys it.  She calls it her “Elephant Math” and insists that Manny, her woolly mammoth do math with her. 

 I love how Ms Miller uses an incremental approach when introducing concepts.  Yes, it is a mastery based program, however, mastery is achieved incrementally.  I should note though that some topics are introduced but mastery is not expected immediately. 

Let me give an example from the Addition 1, Blue Series.  Supergirl is learning about greater than and less than.  Ms. Miller first introduces the symbols for greater than and less than.  Pictures of objects are used so the student sees which is more and which is less.  Gradually the student progresses from objects to dots to making dots themselves, if needed, to just using the numbers and symbols.  Supergirl is mastering the concept of less than, and greater than, but she is doing it in nice bite size pieces that she can handle.


Another aspect of both the Light Blue Series and the Blue series that I appreciate are the games and internet sources listed in the beginning part of each chapter (Light Blue Series) or book (Blue Series). I value having additional ideas available without having to spend time hunting them down myself.

Math Mammoth is an affordable curriculum with a full range of products to meet most home schoolers needs. The Light Blue Series Full Curriculum for 6th grade is just $34. This includes part A and B worktexts, answer keys, tests, cumulative reviews, a worksheet maker, and Soft-Pak.

The Blue Series books range from $2 to $7 per book. (Addition 1 is $3.75) Math Mammoth also offers bundle packages that range from $38 for three grades of Blue Series books to $240 for the Everything Bundle.  Most items are available as both a CD or a download.  (The Everything Bundle is only available as a download)

Be sure and check out the website at where you can find samples for each of the levels/books, placement tests, and opportunities to take a Math Mammoth Tour.

Click on the banner below to read what my fellow crew mates had to say about Math MammothPhotobucketAll information is correct and accurate as of the date of this review.

Disclaimer: As a TOS Crew member, I received this product free of charge to review. This review is my honest opinion with, hopefully, enough detail as to why I liked or did not like a product so that my readers can make an informed decision. I received no compensation.


  1. Awww. The photo of Supergirl and the mammoth doing the math together is so fabulous!


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