Lots of Stuff

If you are on Facebook, then you know that in the space to type your status it says “What’s on your mind?”.  So what’s on my mind?  Stuff.  Lots of stuff.  I haven’t been blogging.  Not because I haven’t had anything to write but more that I just haven’t been managing my time very well and I just couldn’t take the time to blog.

I look at the calendar and I am shocked that it says 12/12/11.  What?!  How did that happen?  What do you mean I haven’t blogged at all the month of December?  I said I was going to blog about Advent/Nativity Fast.    Wait just a minute.  It can’t be half way through December yet. 

But we did manage to get the Christmas Tree up so if feels a bit more like Christmas really is coming.   The Advent Chain is getting smaller (though we’re still several days behind).  But yet, I still can’t wrap my mind around the fact that it really is December.  It really is nearing the end of the year. So Christmas is one piece of “stuff” on my mind.

Another bit of “stuff” on my mind:  Judgmentalism.  It bugs me.  Not that we can’t judge “righteous judgment”  or use discernment.  I’m just not liking stereotypes being applied to judge people’s hearts and motives.  I’m guilty of it.  I constantly have to remind myself that I don’t know what is going on in that person’s life.  I repeat over and over again to myself the verse that says “with what measure of judgment ye use, you shall be judged.”  OUCH.  I want mercy and grace so I better give mercy and grace.

But there’s still more on my mind.  SCHOOL.  Yup, school is screaming at me.  I feel like I’m spinning in circles going faster and faster and yet, I make no progress. Oh I’m sure there’s some progress, we’ve just not accomplished what we set out to do.  We decided today that we’re not taking a full two weeks off as originally planned for Christmas.  Week 2 (which starts Jan 2) will be “catch up week” so I still leave it as “Christmas Break” so that no NEW assignments will be generated but the girls will have a few days to maybe make some headway.

The true meaning of Christmas has been dancing through my head and I’m sure there’s a whole blog post I could devote to that.  In fact I want to do some blogging about Christmas and what it means to me now as an Orthodox Christian.  I’d love to do a couple of posts, maybe as a series about my Christmas Celebrating (or non-celebrating) Journey over the years.

So maybe now that I’ve mentioned some of the stuff on my mind, maybe I’ll actually get around to blogging a bit about it!


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