My Kids Talk Homeschooling

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It’s that time of the week again!  It’s time for the TOS Blog Cruise, but this time, I’m not writing the post.  My girls are giving their responses to this question: “What is the best thing about homeschooling?”  In the interest of full disclosure, please note that my children have always been home schooled.  To quote Tailorbear “I don’t know anything else.  Home schooling is all I know.”  She struggled with coming up with something that she liked best.  “I just don’t know.  It’s all good, I guess.”

Supergirl’s Response: “I like homeschooling. [mom asks, “why?”]”Because it’s so much fun!” [Mom: “But what do you like best?”] “Reading. I’m learning how to read. We play games with it and I get to use letter tiles.”

Tailorbear’s Response: “The thing I like best about homeschooling is Sonlight because I get a lot of books to read.  Yes, they’re educational but they are a lot of fun to read.”

Turtlegirl’s Response: “Um, I’m not sure. There’s being able to set my own schedule, taking time when I need more time to understand the subject, and when I’m not feeling well I can do school in my pj’s. That’s just a few of the things I like. There’s also being able to have a snack when I need one. “

BooBear’s Response:“I like that I am able to go more in depth on a subjects. If I need more time, or am having trouble I can take the time to make sure I learn it. I am able to spend more time with my family, I see my sisters and get to know them. I really am glad that I am able to get to know my mom.”

Tailorbear also said “Homeschooling just works best for us.  It just works.”

The TOS Blog Cruise goes live each week on Tuesday and you can read what other Crew children like best about homeschooling.  In the meantime you can enjoy reading past Blog Cruise topics at the TOS Homeschool Crew Blog.


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