Costco is a Dangerous Place!

I wasn’t planning on a trip to Costco this week.  Poor planning and a need for clean laundry dictated otherwise.  Honeybear and I headed to Costco with a very small list: laundry detergent, frozen already cooked shrimp, cheddar cheese, V8 juice, coffee and produce (since the bountiful baskets sold out which ended up being a good thing since I couldn’t pick it up.)

What we came home with (in addition to the above items): Blue Diamond Smokehouse Almonds, almond butter, popcorn, lemonade, liquid dishwashing soup (for handwashing those items that don’t fit in the dishwasher), kitchen sponges, and an electric pencil sharpener.

No, we weren’t hungry.  We just happened to remember a few items we were out of and we remembered the Apostles Fast starts on Monday.  We’ll be eating more vegan and vegetarian meals for the next couple of weeks.  We decided that some almond butter and almonds for snacking for extra protein would be a very good idea.


And I gave up my Jelly Belly jellybeans.  Honeybear said I could get almonds or I could get my jelly beans.  I am pretty sure I will regret my choice at some point but I’m pretending that I’m trying to be healthier.

Please tell me I am not alone with thinking a trip to Costco is a dangerous undertaking!


  1. A friend and I years ago gave Costco the tag "More than you need at a great price."


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