Think Back Thursday: Bridges

I thought about being cute and clever and posting a wedding picture or two with the idea that a wedding bridges two families.  My husband suggested a picture of one or more of the girls with books because “books are bridges to another world.”

I kept digging through or scrolling through the digital photos to find a picture of a bridge.  I found one from 2004 of the family (minus me the photographer!) and in the background you see a tiny little bridge.  The girls vetoed that one: “the bridge is microscopic, Mom.  You can hardly see it!”

I found two pictures that I could pretend were bridges but my conscience would not let me choose them.  Both photos were from a trip to the seashore with the grandparents a few years ago. 

Wait, I thought.  Didn’t we get any pictures with the digital camera at the waterfall?  There’s got to be a bridge at the waterfall.  After checking multiple different folders on TWO different thumb drives, I finally found a bridge picture.

But I can’t resist the idea of posting a wedding picture (maybe because the bride is so beautiful and the little girls just adorable). This bride was a junior bridesmaid at my wedding which was ten years before this picture. This wedding was 8 years ago.  It was also BooBear’s 9th birthday.

The beautiful bride with her three young cousins

Boobear is on the left.  She turned 9 that day.  Tailorbear’s in the middle.  She was 5.  Turtlegirl is on the right end she was 6 1/2.

Instead of reading a book, I decided this picture shows the excitement of bridging to another world through a book.  Turtlegirl loves dragons and she especially loves the How to Train Your Dragon series.  She was very happy to receive one for her birthday.

I'm so happy it's a book!

So now on to the real bridge photo.  A couple of years ago BooBear and Turtlegirl went to a girls retreat for a week on the other side of the mountains.  We turned picking them up into a day trip to the falls.  It was a gorgeous day and the falls were beautiful.

Double Waterfall with Bridge

Thank you Debbie for hosting Think Back Thursday over at Debbie’s Digest!  Come join in the fun!


  1. Oh, the photo at the wedding is awesome :)

  2. Love your creative take on bridges, and the picture of the real bridge is wonderful! Where is that?

  3. I also loved the creative way you thought about bridges. Thanks so much for posting and joining up. I love the waterfall and bridge photo!! Soooo gorgeous!


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