B is for Berries and C is for Close-Ups

I got very busy and just couldn’t squeeze out a blog post for the letter B for Marcy’s “Blogging Through The Alphabet” meme so I’m combining two letters and  two memes.  I have not participated in Debbie’s “Think Back Thursday” Meme since the end of August!  Where did the time go?  This week’s letter is C and this week’s Think Back Theme is Close-Ups.

We have a blackberry bush in our back yard.  Here in the PNW wild growing blackberry bushes are generally frowned upon by civilized people.  Those of us who would like to garden but for whatever reason can’t, are grateful for these wildly growing bushes because then we feel we’ve grown something.  (OK maybe it’s just me LOL)

I’m hoping to get enough blackberries to combine with some other berries to make some Bumble Berry Jam.  Or at least some to eat with cream for a dessert.   Our bush is not in an ideal location and the berries are much later than usual this year so it’s not looking too good but I am stubbornly clinging to hope.

This is the picture I took last week while playing with the close up zoom thingy on my camera. The plant doesn’t look healthy but look there’s a couple of ripe berries!

Berries in the back yard up close


About 6 weeks (give or take a few days <grin>) we took a day trip as a planned “staycation” activity.  My daughter and I caught these blooms on close up.

Flower Bloom on the side of a Mountain


Just a little closer

This post is linked up to both Ben & Me and Debbie’s Digest for both Blogging Through the Alphabet and Think Back Thursday.

Blogging Through the Alphabet


  1. Awesome multi-tasking! Love the pictures and the way you haven't given up on the memes you've started. You're encouraging me to get my posts up this week.

  2. Great job finding a way to combining the two memes, and on the pictures. I love BumbleBerry jam and pie - I hope you get enough berries to treat yourself! I need to work on my Think Back post for this week... that's tomorrow!

  3. I love my blackberry vines! They are like weeds and are taking over our entire garden, but I don't care. I usually just eat them plain, but lately I have been putting some in my oatmeal with cinnamon. Yum!!

  4. I just found your post, thanks to Blogging Through the Alphabet, which I am also doing. You should have left me a comment on the post you linked up to, then I would have seen your post sooner. I have so many blogs I am following that it is hard to catch things in my Google Reader.

    You have the same problem with flowers that I have had. Check out this post that shows you a tip for that problem. It is one of the Think Back Thursday links. I can't wait to try out the tip she shared. http://reallifeunscripted.wordpress.com/2012/09/14/think-back-thursday-close-ups/

    When I was growing up we had black berries that grew along the road I lived on, next to the railroad tracks. We used to pick and eat them, if we could get to them faster than the birds.

    Thanks for linking up. I hope you will be able to participate again. Try and remember to leave me a comment especially if it is later in the week.

  5. Hi Debbie,
    If you go look at your post, I did actually leave a comment. I just double checked and it is dated September 18. Thanks for the tip about the flowers. I started a post for Back to School but I can't find my pictures. *grr*

  6. That's definitely the way I feel about blackberries :)


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