Blogging Every Day in May

So here it is the day before Mayday.  Tomorrow is May 1st.  Already?  Really? Almost half way through 2013. WOW.

I set a personal goal for 2013 that I would blog an average of every other day.  It doesn’t always work out to be every other day.  Some weeks I blog 3 or 4 days in a row followed by 3 or 4 days of no posts so that the numbers average every other day. Basically, I’m striving for roughly 15 blog posts a month. That’s the measurable part of the goal.  The underlying goal is to be more consistent and intentional with blogging.

What does this have to do with May? Well, my friend Miranda (yes the one who hosts the 5 on Fridays!) introduced me to the idea of a “Blogging Every Day in May” challenge.  Sitting here on April 30th and knowing that this is holy week, I’m thinking “nope.  I really shouldn’t start this right now.”  But the idea keeps tickling my brain.  Miranda suggested checking out the May Challenge over at Story of My Life.

I like some of the theme suggestions.  Well, not really the ones for Friday and I really like 5 on Friday so I think I’ll just stick to doing 5 on Friday. I don’t like posting more than once a day (maybe I’ll get to a place where I do that but if I can’t manage to blog every day, I don’t need to be posting 2 to 3 times a day for two days in a row and then NOTHING for days on end.**) So here’s my plan.  I’m going to strive for blogging every day in May but not every post will be one of the May challenge themes.

**It’s my blog so I reserve the right to post more than once a day <grin>

Do you have a blogging goal for May?


  1. I don't think I will use the suggestions, but I'm going to shoot for a blog every day...

  2. I am going to *start* the challange, but may (probably) stop once baby comes... AND I will plan to follow the topics from Story of My Life IF I want to! haha!
    Love your "it's my blog.." disclaimer! Too true!


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