Blogging through the Alphabet I, J and K

I is for Intentions!

I had every good intention of blogging every day in May.  Really I did.  I had my list of ideas and the list of suggested daily topics. I started out so well!  And then . . . and then . . . it’s like I developed an allergy to Live Writer or blogging or something.  I had plenty of intentions but no desire, no inspiration.

I also intended to blog twice a month about reading aloud with one of those posts being an update on my personal reading goals for 2013. It’s rather difficult to consistently blog about reading aloud to one’s children though when one finds one self NOT reading aloud for days on end.

J is for Justification

I could be full of justifying reasons for why I haven’t blogged.  Or why I chose to do this, that or the other thing instead of blogging.  But I’ll just leave it at I really have no justification.  I think I simply burned myself out with all the things I have going on right now and blogging went out the window.

K is for . . .

I’m having a really difficult time coming up with something for the letter k so let’s just go with:

K is for Kitty Cat!

Both of my kitties like to find odd places to sleep.  Lacey loves to be squished and her favorite place to curl up is behind someone’s back when they sit on a chair.  Though I currently have the chair to myself, she is a frequent companion while I blog.

This week George found a new place to take a nap.  We woke him up giggling over his new spot so he is looking awake here. He managed to push/pull the fabric and batting out of the bottom shelf of my sewing cabinet and made himself a new hidey hole. Guess I better be more careful about keeping that door closed!



Come join Marcy for Blogging Through the Alphabet!

Blogging Through the Alphabet


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