Random 5 on Friday {May 3rd Edition}

This is holy week so most of my Five are going to be church related just thought I’d give y’all a heads up <grin> And yes I know today is May 4th and a Saturday but time is, to quote Dr. Who, all wibbly-wobbly this week and I did actually lose track of what day it is. And true confession time, I dislike posting to my blog twice in one day so I pushed this post to Saturday so that I could post my review and giveaway for the movie Ring the Bell (Did you enter yet?)

1.  I felt like a stage manager on Palm Sunday coordinating the handmaidens and getting them into position for the procession.  The thought crossed my mind that maybe I studied theater in college so that I could understand the process of rehearsing and cueing for special services. I know I gained a far better appreciation of the work involved in getting feast day services to run smoothly.

2. I posted this as my status on Facebook: “Another year, another Bridegroom Service, another blubbering Tess.”  EVERY year, I cry during the Bridegroom Matins. We got to hear the exposwhositthingy in Greek as well as English.  I think it made me cry even more.

3. The number 3 is really important in the Orthodox world.  3 represents the triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. My daughter giggled that all the recipes for the special bread and cheese for Pascha all make 3.  Three loaves of bread, 3 molds of cheese.

4. On Wednesday evening at the service for Holy Unction, my husband did the epistle reading for the very first time.  He’s read other things in church (Psalms, Hours, Post-Communion prayers).  The really cool thing was the first epistle he read (he read two of them!) was the reading from our wedding!  I don’t have a picture of him reading the epistle but I do have a picture of him reading something else at a different Holy Week service. Ah found one of him getting ready to read the prayers and Psalms for a Bridegroom Matins service earlier this week:

Waiting for Bridegroom Matins to start and getting ready to read the six Psalms.


5. Earlier this week the girls and I got together with a friend from church and we baked special bread and made a special cheese for Pascha. Then a couple of days later, my daughter made another kind of special bread for Pascha.  The first one is “plain” (how plain can a bread be that has milk, eggs and butter in it? This will make excellent French toast during Bright Week.) and the second kind is more of a sweet bread.  It also has eggs, milk and butter but it also has dried fruit and some even have nuts. My daughter will make a glaze to put over the fruity one.

Freshly baked Pascha Bread!

Six mini-loaves of Pascha Bread (with fruit)

We’ve been going to church a lot this week.  I blogged about it so if your interested you can read more about Holy Week in the Orthodox Church!

What’s been happening this week at your place? Come join Miranda for the Random 5 on Friday Link Up!


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