{Crew Review} PreScripts Cursive Passages and Illuminations

Recently, the Schoolhouse Review Crew had the opportunity to use and review the PreScripts books from Classical Conversations. Each selected crew member received one book. Turtlegirl (age 15, just finished up 10th grade) wanted to improve her handwriting so we choose the PreScripts Cursive Passages and Illuminations American Documents level.

I admit that I did not know much about Classical Conversations but I had the opportunity to stop at the vendor booth at my local home school convention a few weeks ago. Classical Conversations, at the heart, is a community of home schoolers who come together to use a classical based curriculum. It reminds me of a co-op.

If you visit the Classical Conversations bookstore, you’ll find resources for implementing the classical method in your home school as well as curriculum for teaching at home. Some of their products are only available through teaching communities.  PreScipts however are available for you to use in your own home.

What is PreScripts?

PreScripts is a series of 4 copy work books using cursive. Cursive is a dying art in schools because, as a society, we’ve become so dependent on the computer and other electronic devices. In addition to practicing handwriting, these books can be used for memory work and for art. Classical Conversations combines history and art so that handwriting does not end up being “mindless and disconnected”

For more details about the PreScripts Series including descriptions of each of the levels check out this PreScripts FAQ PDF.

Using PreScripts Cursive Passages and Illuminations:

On page 6 of the spiral bound, softcover book it states: “the key to good writing is daily practice.”  Classical Conversations also says “you choose the pace appropriate for your child.”   You could assign one page a day to a beginning student or a range of pages for an older student.

My three “big” girls already know and use cursive and Supergirl isn’t, in my opinion ready for cursive so I didn’t think we’d want this product.  I was wrong. Turtlegirl took a look at the website and the samples for the Passages and Illuminations book and declared, “I want to improve my handwriting and I’ve always wanted to learn how to do illuminations.”  She’s my artsy girl <grin>

Turtlegirl Illumination

She chose to start by first tracing each passage and then by copying the passage. Her hand would get tired because she was out of practice not having done copying since she was younger.  She wanted to go slower because she really wanted to ingrain the formation of the letters. In the past, when I required handwriting, she would often rush through the page “just to get it done.”  Now that this was her choice she wanted to take the time to do it well.

After about 3 weeks, she decided that she no longer needed to first trace the passage and has dropped that part of her nearly daily copywork.  She is also getting to the point where she will comfortably be able to copy one page in a sitting.

Turtlegirl works on copywork

Thoughts From Turtlegirl (age 15):

I really liked how many different styles of illuminations were included. I also enjoyed the passages they chose. I also like that they are in semi-chronological order. I am having fun using this product.

The Details:



Overall I am very pleased with the results we’re seeing.  Both her father and I see improvement in her handwriting.  What do you think?

Before and After Prescripts  

Visit the Schoolhouse Review Crew blog to read what others have to say about the different Prescripts levels from Classical Conversations.

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All information is correct and accurate as of the date of this review.

You can read my other Schoolhouse Review Crew Reviews by clicking here.

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