{Crew Review} PeopleKeys: StudentKeys Student Binder

I need to start with a confession: When I first saw PeopleKeys on the upcoming vendor list for the Schoolhouse Review Crew, I thought “Um, no.  That doesn’t interest me at all. Why would I want to review that?”  I had Turtlegirl take a look at the website and she read through the descriptions of the different DISC test options we could choose.  She was more than a little interested; she wanted me to choose the “Pick me, Pick me!” option. She said “I need this, Mom.  This will help me understand my strengths and weaknesses.  It will even give me some tips to improve my social skills!” 

I really didn’t understand what they were offering or how it would be useful or helpful for home school students. I was wrong. Turtlegirl wanted ~ and we received ~ The StudentKeys Student Binder.

PeopleKeys Cover Collage

What is PeopleKeys:

PeopleKeys is an organization that provides assessments to help unlock human potential.  What does that mean? For students, it means providing tests such as The Personality Style Workbook, The Perceptual Learning Style Workbook or The Career Choice Workbook. These workbooks, available individually or as part of the StudentKeys Student Binder,  help the the student to understand key aspects of themselves.  For example the Personality Style Workbook helps the student to understand herself while the Perceptual Learning Style Workbook helps her to understand how she learns.  Understanding yourself, how you think, how you learn etc. can help you get the most out of your education by allowing you to improve study habits to include your learning style. Understanding yourself aids the student in developing better ways to interact with people with different personality styles.

StudentKeys Student Binder at our house:

These individual workbooks are intended to be consumed; photocopying for use with more than one student is prohibited.  I first planned that I would divided up the different workbooks among my 3 “neurotypical” girls ages 14, 16, and 18 but in the end we decided that just Turtlegirl, age 16, would use them. Though each workbook can stand alone and give a piece of information, I felt Turtlegirl would benefit the most from seeing all the pieces.

I think this is an excellent tool to use with students as part of a “college prep” course. Understanding what you value, how you think, how you learn etc. can help you plan your high school years to maximize success and choose a college and career path. I’ve known since she was a very little girl that Turtlegirl loved rocks. Geology has been very important to her.  It was thrilling for her to see “geologist” as a possible career choice that would best suit her. I did not find any of the results surprising and I loved having the confirmation but even more, I loved Turtlegirl’s enthusiasm and excitement as she made discoveries about herself.

Turtlegirl completes a StudentKeys Workbook

Thoughts from Turtlegirl:

I have always been confused about what attributes I have in common with other people and what my ‘group’ is called. Going through the different workbooks helped me understand my ‘group’ and how to work around my weaknesses and build on my strengths. It also helped me understand why I clash with certain other people. The Values workbook helped me understand what it was I hold important. The Personality Styles workbook helped me understand both why I act the way I do and how to deal with the people who have the opposite style. (I’m a C/S. My opposite is any of the I styles.) The Career workbook was really good, and it confirmed the two careers I was looking at were good choices for my ‘work’ personality. All in all, I loved working through the workbooks and they were really helpful to me.

The Details:

PeopleKeys offers more than just the StudentKeys Student Binder.  There are Children’s Profiles as well as online report options! Visit the Schoolhouse Review Crew blog to read what others have to say about PeopleKeys.

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All information is correct and accurate as of the date of this review.

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