Random 5 on Friday {October 11 Edition}

I can’t believe we are 1/3 of the way through October already!  The weather certainly has changed and I can believe it’s October. I seemed to have blinked though and missed the first  third of the month!

Here’s my random thoughts for this week:

1. Have you been missing me? I just haven’t been posting much. I’m finding it incredibly difficult to post since the Government Shut Down on October 1st. I think I’m now in a better place emotionally and will get back to blogging. I’ve had lots of ideas but it’s hard to write when you are worried, stressed, and processing it all.

2. Speaking of furlough: My husband is one of the 800,000 Federal Employees who were sent home on October 1st.  He’s also one of the 400,000 that the pentagon ordered back to work since his specific job provides “welfare, morale, or support for the military members.”

3. I am really glad that he is back to work; never mind the financial implications, as much as we love having Daddy around, he disrupts our schedule. And having him home for reasons other than “vacation” puts a damper on the family mood.

4. I jumped on the Trim Healthy Mama bandwagon and purchased the NOOK version of the book. I’ve read through Parts 1 and 2 and am eating working my way through the recipe sections. I’ve discovered that I *love* the Trim Healthy Pancakes.  The Trim Healthy Pan Bread isn’t bad but I didn’t really care for the famous Muffin In A Mug.  Oh it smelled wonderful. But I’m not a fan of Truvia.  To me stevia has just as much of a strong bitter aftertaste as artificial sweeteners like Splenda or Nutrasweet.  I’m going to try the bread in mug version which has no sweetener.  Maybe I can adjust the Muffin in Mug to just have no sweet.  Supergirl though LOVED the muffin and gladly finished mine for me.  Look for upcoming posts where I babble on and on about Trim Healthy Mama.

5. And instead of a random thought here’s a random photo:

Photo of Radish with natural heart shape in side

My daughter was getting radishes ready for our salad. This one had an oddly shaped end. When she cut it it came out like this.

The Pebble Pond

Come join us over at the Pebble Pond for this week’s Edition of Random 5 on Friday!


  1. I had to laugh about your husband disrupting your schedule. I have determined that the next time my husband takes a day off of work, we are taking the day off of school.


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