Random 5 on Friday {Dec 20 Edition}

It’s just days until Christmas.  Here’s some things that have happened this week:

1. I played Taxi Driver for most of this week.  It’s finals for my oldest and she didn’t want to hang around all day on campus when she only had one final.  Two of the 4 days that I took her in she only needed to be there for 10 minutes or less!  I’m exhausted from all the driving.

2. Speaking of finals.  One of those less than 10 minute finals (which technically was last Friday) was her “Music Program Entrance Audition.”  As a music student her final is a “jury review.”  She received her letter informing her that she passed and she can now fill out the paperwork to formally declare Music Performance as her major.  I am so proud of her. 

3. The majority of my Christmas shopping has been completed online.  I am not done shopping though.  I need to get a bit more done on Saturday but I plan to be done on Saturday!!

4. Yesterday this was delivered:

Random 5 on Friday

And this is what was inside:

Random 5 on Friday

5.  Lots and lots of mail today!  A package I wasn’t expecting to be here in time for Christmas arrived today!! (no I’m not telling what it is or taking a picture yet, my family reads my blog!)  But amongst the packages was this:

Random 5 on Friday

The Pebble Pond

Come join us over at the Pebble Pond for this week’s Edition of Random 5 on Friday!


  1. Congratulations to your daughter on her jury review. From a past music major, it is definitely an accomplishment. Keep up the hard work and play with passion!

    1. Thank you, Dawn. Were you voice or instrument for your major? I think it is amusing that a Theater major would end up raising a music major :D

  2. My daughter plays the piano! I know how hard music is! Congrats!!!

    1. Thanks! I'm going to have her read these comments.

  3. Replies
    1. I am particularly pleased with how the picture turned out and the flowers are beautiful!

  4. Lovely flowers and congratulations to your daughter!


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