My Favorite Day of the Week: Sunday {52 Week Series}

52 Week Series Favorite Anything www.circlingthroughthislife.comYes Sunday is my favorite day of the week. Well, I should say type that I strive to make Sunday the day I look forward to most every week.   Even when I have a long put-it-off-until-Sunday-because-Saturday-was-too-busy to do list, I still love Sundays.

We attend services (called Divine Liturgy in the Orthodox Christian Church), every Sunday (except not today.  We’re home sick today but that’s a different post topic!).  I feel a little lost and empty when I miss a Sunday.

Sunday mornings can seem rushed and stressful as we’re racing around getting ready to go and double checking the ministry schedule to see if any family members are on the list but there is something “other worldly” about entering the chapel.  You do leave the cares of this world behind and the Kingdom of God beckons you to enter into worship.  The beauty of the icons and candles combine with the scent of the incense and the sounds of the choir bringing Heaven and earth together transcending time.  It’s beautiful.  It’s lovely.  Participating in Divine Liturgy feeds my whole being and sustains me throughout the week.

I also look forward to coffee hour so that I can chat with friends.  And have coffee.  I only drink regular coffee on Sundays.  Most of our coffee hours are just coffee and bagels but I am sure that is the best cup of coffee I have all week.  (I said I only drink regular coffee, not that I didn’t drink it the rest of the week.)

But Church isn’t the only reason I look forward to Sundays every week.  It’s much more of a theory than a practice but I am striving for making Sunday afternoons relaxing. This is my downtime.  My time to write blog posts or read a book.  Or take a nap.  I love me a post-liturgical nap!

In theory, we get all our chores done on Saturday so that on Sunday we only have to do what we need to do: basic daily stuff like feed the cats and ourselves and load the dishwasher.  Then when we come home from church we can play.  Sometimes we play Wii.  Yes even me.  It just feels more relaxed on Sunday afternoons.  That feeling more relaxed bit is what I look forward to every week and it’s why Sundays are my favorite day of the week.

Do you have a favorite day of the week?  Which one?  Leave me a comment to share your favorite day of the week.  Have a blog post about your favorite book, actor, hymn, Bible verse or anything that is your  favorite? Then come link up.  Be sure and visit the other blogs linked up to see what their favorite thing is this week.

Rules for linking up:

  1. Post must talk about something that is your favorite.  It doesn’t have to be the same topic as my favorite post this week but it must be about something that is your favorite.
  2. Please include a link back to my blog.  You are welcome to grab the button from the sidebar to include in your post.

I’ll be linking this post up to 52 Weeks Series Blog Hop. 

For the Display of His Splendor 52 Week Series Blog Hop


  1. I think Sunday is my favorite day of the week too. Everyone in our family is usually involved in our church service or morning small groups in some way - leading worship, teaching a class, running the sound system or video, etc - so the morning is busy, but in a good and fulfilling way! It amuses me that across Christian denominations, we all love our Sunday afternoon nap! LOL

  2. I agree that Sunday is a favorite day of the week. It does take some work on Saturday to make sure things are done so we are ready for Sunday.

  3. I love Sundays, too. :) I like Wednesdays as well, because that's more of a fellowship time at our church, and we usually get quite a bit done in our homeschooling as well. Wednesdays are my reprieve. And I don't have to cook supper. :P

    Thanks for linking up with 52 Weeks! Have a blessed week!


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