Great Lent: My Favorite Liturgical Season

Today is the the last day of the fourth full week of Lent.  In the Orthodox church Great Lent is 40 days.  It begins on a Monday and ends on the Friday before Palm Sunday. This is slightly different  from the Western Calendar observance of Lent.

I love Great Lent. This is a [supposedly] quiet time of reflection: an opportunity for reconnecting to our faith and growing spiritually. It’s the time of preparation. We remember creation and the fall.  We remember our great need for a Savior. 

During Lent we fast from certain foods but even more importantly we fast from sin and strive to discipline our flesh. We spend more time in prayer, more time at church, and hopefully, more time loving God and loving others.

 Holy Week follows Great Lent

In practical terms, my family strives for less outside activities, more family prayer, and less screen time. We choose not to watch certain favorite videos and instead pick more educational, documentary style shows.  We don’t always keep to the standards. Some days I feel like I fail miserably.

Great Lent is my favorite liturgical season because it brings Christians together.  Unites them in preparation for the greatest feast, the foundational feast:  Pascha.  The Resurrection of the Lord is the cornerstone of Christianity. This season is a time of beauty and reflection.

Favorite Anything Series at

Do you have a favorite season? I’d love to hear about it. Have a blog post about your favorite book, actor, hymn, Bible verse or anything that is your  favorite? Then come link up. Be sure and visit the other blogs linked up to see what their favorite anything is this week.

Rules for linking up:

  1. Post must talk about something that is your favorite.  It doesn’t have to be the same topic as my favorite post this week but it must be about something that is your favorite.
  2. Please include a link back to my blog.  You are welcome to grab the button from the sidebar to include in your post.


  1. We don't celebrate Lent, but I love the idea of a time of peace and reflection. :-)

  2. I love Great Lent too! I feel more centered, peaceful, and calm! Most of the time. But there are those days... Lord have mercy.


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