Random 5 ~ March 28th Edition

This is it!  The last Random 5 (*cough* *cough* Saturday) on Friday for March!  Nearly 3 months gone already of 2014.  Time just starts flying by faster and faster every day!

I’m going to start with a Random Picture that I just love.

BooBear's Beautiful Roses


Annunciation1. This past week (March 25) was the Annunciation.  When I was growing up (catholic), it was a big deal in the Church but yet not.  I mean it was just not a big deal for me or my family.  It’s a big deal for us now and I have a much better understanding of why we celebrate this feast.  (Or why we should.  I don’t think my family does a very good job but my church always has a liturgy service and a fish dinner.)  Sure it’s a feast about Mary.  But it isn’t really so much about Mary as it is about Christ.  This is the  day the church celebrates Gabriel’s announcement that Mary is to bear a Child who will “save His people from their sins.”  This feast celebrates the conception of Christ by the Holy Spirit. God became flesh through Mary.  For many years, I thought it was just an inappropriate glorification of Mary.  Nope.  She was chosen by God.  She humbly accepted and Jesus Christ, the Son of God, became incarnate.  WOW.   It’s a feast that celebrates and proclaims the fulfillment of scriptures that a virgin would bring forth a child.  A friend of mine wrote a blog post earlier this week pondering Mary and she echoes my own thoughts.


2. It’s been spring break this week for BooBear.  She’s been enjoying sleeping in and I’ve enjoyed having her around to help with cooking. She’s so creative and used her time during spring break to repurpose some old dresses into cute skirts that she can wear with leggings. She even used some extra material to make some headbands to match! The other three girls will have two week spring break during Holy Week and Bright Week.

Boobear repurposes an old dress into a cute skirt.

3. During Lent, on Friday nights, our parish has a soup supper and talk.  Different families volunteer to prepare the supper which consists of two or three different soups, fresh fruit, bread, and usually juice or some type of beverage.  Our priest then gives a talk.  Father has a theme each year and this year the theme has been centered on the sacramental life of the Church.  This week (yes, I’m posting on Saturday again!) the talk focused on the meaning of the preparation for Communion. I came away from the talk with a renewed sense that all of my life should be sacramental and that I shouldn’t try to separate things out into “church life” and “secular life.”

4. It’s been raining and raining and raining.  Yes, I know it’s the Pacific Northwest but I heard rumors that this has been the rainiest March.  Some type of record breaking amount of rain.  We are used to this much rain in November but not March.

5. I forgot my camera on Thursday when we visited with a wonderful gentleman from church.  He’s Greek.  He was a chanter for many years at the Greek Orthodox Church. A sweet home schooling mama friend of mine arranged for us home schooling families from church to meet with Mr. H to learn about Byzantium Chanting. While sipping apple juice Boobear, Supergirl, Turtlegirl, and Tailorbear learned about Greek sheet music, the history of the 8 tones, and learned how to chant Lord have mercy and Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit in Greek.  Mr. H created DVDs with more information that we could take home. He shared stories about some of the composers and even shared the story of one of the patron saint of one of the children. I just wish I had my camera so I could have grabbed a picture of the girls with Mr. H. It was a fascinating talk and the afternoon went much too fast!


The Pebble Pond

Come join us over at the Pebble Pond for this week’s Edition of Random 5 on Friday!


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