Random Five on Friday ~ Holy Friday Edition
1. I have decided I like caviar. It is a tradition in Russian style Orthodox churches to eat caviar on Lazarus Saturday. I first tried caviar at a church function several years ago and so this was either the 2nd or 3rd time I have had it. I'm fine so long as I don't think about what it is. It's very salty and I think it's the saltiness that I like. It's very good spread on a slice of French bread.
2. While the Western Christian Churches celebrated Easter, the Eastern Orthodox Christian Churches (except those like in Finland who must follow the Gregorian Calendar), celebrated Palm Sunday.
3. Holy Week is the most incredible, overwhelming, exhausting, exhilarating, fabulous and awesome week of the year. Each day has multiple church services. I have never been to all of the services because there are something like 20. Two services a day with some days offering three. But I love this week!
4. We haven’t done any formal schooling this week, nor do we plan to do any formal real school days next week. Supergirl is super excited because we’ll be studying Knights and Castles and making a lapbook. She’s started watching the recommended DVD about castles this week and next weeks we’ll start reading some books. Don’t don’t tell her but I am pretty excited too. Yes you’ll get to read all about it in two reviews!
5. There are tiny bubbles of excitement exploding inside me today. Pascha is coming! The beautiful hymns are already running through my head as I scramble to get us ready for services tonight and work on my to-do list for Pascha preparation!
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