Another Alphabetical Collection H, I, J

I got hopelessly behind in trying to do Blogging through the Alphabet with Cristi and Meg but last week I decided I would attempt to do Alphabetical Collection posts and maybe eventually I'll be on the same letter. Or not. Maybe when they finish, they'll do another round and I can try again!

An Alphabetical Collection H, I, J

H ~ Today H is for Here to Help Learning.  The crew is currently reviewing this Homeschool Writing Curriculum. I might even write a review. Supergirl is using the Flight 1 Level Launch into Paragraph Writing.  We're learning about the writing the process from Brainstorming to Publish. If you are looking for a fun way to teach paragraph writing check out Here to Help Learning. Look for the Crew reviews in early March!

I ~ I is for Icons. I've been reflecting on how different my views of icons are today than they were 7 years ago. Today, February 14th is the calendar date of my family's reception into the Orthodox Church. That was 6 years ago. A year before that I was really struggling and not sure if I wanted to be Orthodox or if I even could be Orthodox. I didn't understand icons. My icon collection has grown over the last 6 years and we still plan on adding more and more. I tend to prefer the ones that depict Biblical events such as the Resurrection or the Woman who touched the hem of Jesus's robe and was healed. I am developing a fondness for other icons too.

J ~ J is for Junk.  I seem to have a lot of junk. We're taking some time, as a family, over this long weekend to deal with some of the junk we've let pile up. Papers that need to be filed or recycled. Books that need to be returned to the shelf. School notebooks that have been left lying around. Junk mail that needs to be disposed of. Clutter equals Junk or Junk equals clutter.  Either way we're clearing off surfaces and finding floors.


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