Just a few of My Random Thoughts

I have a zillion thoughts or so it feels like running through my head and lots of stuff I want to share on my blog but alas I have not made writing a priority.

I just took a peek at my blog and *gasp* I have one post. ONE.  A single post for 2017.

So I'm going to do a Random 5 style update.  I miss my Random 5 posts.

1) 2016 was hard.  I lost two uncles, my beloved cat and my brother.  Never mind the celebrities that died in 2016 people (and an animal) that I love are gone.  I wrote a blog post sitting in my drafts called Saying Good-bye but I couldn't bring myself to post it.

Here are a couple of family pictures with my brother.  This first one is from the late 80's  In order: my dad, my brother, me and my sister.

My dad with his three kids

This one is the family portrait taken at my wedding.  Look at how proud my mom was and look how tall my brother is!

2)  Turtlegirl seems to be settling in well away from home at college.  I miss her so much and I am looking forward to her being home for Spring Break.  Here is my baby from when she was home on Christmas break.

Turtlegirl home form college for Christmas Break

3) Since we lost Lacy unexpectedly in July we've been keeping a closer eye on George.  He gave a us a bit of a scare because he seemed unwilling to walk.  Suspected arthritis.  Here he is chilling at the vet.  And yes it is arthritis.  He's doing much better now that he has some medicine to help with it

George didn't seem to upset by the exam room.

4)  I attended a wonderful women's pre-lenten retreat a couple of weeks ago. The topic was Restoring the Image: Women, Beauty and the Church. Some of my zillion thoughts I want to blog about are directly related to the retreat and how I am trying to have more beauty in my life.

5) The 2017 Homeschool Review Crew year is fully underway! Last week the Crew reviewed Home School in the Woods Project Passports.  I'll be posting a review here myself.  We're studying Egypt and Supergirl is loving it!

6) Speaking of the Crew,  I just received last week a product that the crew will be reviewing called Color My Conversation. I've started digging through the Instructor guide and I am so excited to use this with Supergirl. I think all of us at my house will benefit.

The Crew will be reviewing Color My Conversation from Northern Speech Services


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