Five Question Friday 8/19

Five Question FridayIt’s time for Five Question Friday, hosted by Mama M at My Little Life.

1. Do you close the bathroom door when you are home alone? Nope.  At least not usually and (prepare yourself) I don’t always close it when I have company either!  But I have a valid reason.  I use the bathroom that can only be accessed through my bedroom. *IF* I use the “main” bathroom I tend to close the door whether there are others home or not.  That bathroom just feels more open and exposed and is positioned directly across from the window.  No one can see in but still I just feel better if that door is closed!

2. You have to walk around with a word on your forehead. That word describes you. One word. What is it? Striving.  I want be known as the woman who is striving to enter in at the narrow gate. I  want to be known as the woman who is striving to be more and more Christlike.

3. What store do you refuse to shop at and why? Well there is one store (and in particular one branch of that store) that I will *never* step foot in again.  In fact we have driven 20 miles OUT OF OUR WAY to avoid that store!  You can read about it in What Ever Happened to Honesty and Integrity. . 

4. If you participated in arranged marriages for your child(ren), who would you choose for your child(ren)? Hmm.  I don’t know.  I do love what my father said to my future in-laws when we introduced the parents to each other.  He said “We cannot choose who are children marry but if I could have chosen someone for my daughter, I would have chosen your son.”  Yes.. my father really liked my husband.   I want to be able to say that to my each of my daughters’ future in-laws.  So if I could find someone for my daughter I would choose someone who would be her strength where she is weak and who would love her and accept her for who she is and most importantly someone who strives to obey Jesus’s two summary commandments:  1) To Love God  and 2) To Love our neighbor as ourselves.

5. If you could pick how and when you would die, would you? I’d love to pick the how:  (peacefully in my sleep).  The when part?  No.  I don’t think I want to know when it is coming.  I’d like it be after my grandchildren are grown but before I am in incapable of caring for myself. I  do not want to be a burden on my family.   But I think I would be way too stressed out and worried if I knew *when* I would die even if I could pick the when part.

To read the responses or join Mama M’s linky click here.


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