Reading Goals update for April 2013

Graphic for Reading Goals 2013

I really intended for my reading goal update posts to be posted sometime during the first week of the month.  Here were are half way through the month and I’m just now getting around to talking about what I have haven’t read.  Yes.  That’s correct.  This is more of post of what I haven’t finished reading.  Except that I do have one very large announcement:

I finished Jane Eyre!

Yes, I finally finished reading this classic novel.  I read the e-book version from Barnes and Noble.  It had 1147 pages.  That didn’t compute with me until I realized they meant 1147 NOOK book pages.  Those are tiny.  But I read them. I don’t think I loved the story.  I know my daughters enjoyed it far more than I did.  I just had such a difficult time getting past the accusations that Jane was a liar.  She was so horribly mistreated by her family that I had to stop reading the book for quite some time.  I understand that what the character experienced was not atypical for that era but I still didn’t like it. I did however enjoy the story well enough that I intend to watch the Timothy Dalton mini-series version of the book.

Oh one more note about Jane Eyre.  I didn’t finish it in March.  I finished it in April.  I don’t think I finished any books in March.  That sounds so discouraging.  It’s not that I didn’t read though.  I did.  I just haven’t finished anything except Jane Eyre.

In my March Reading Goals update I posted:

So my goals for the rest of March:

  • Finish False Witness

  • Finish Morbid Taste for Bones

  • Read A Corpse Too Many

  • Start Mere Christianity

I still haven’t finished False Witness. I will. I love Randy Singer.  In fact I just last week I requested another Randy Singer book to review for Tyndale.  I’ll be participating in the Blog Tour in June!

I had set aside False Witness so that I could read the two Cadfael books but I ended up moving both of those books to my “didn’t finish” shelf of GoodReads.  I wanted to read them but it just didn’t happen and then I couldn’t renew them because someone else had them on hold. I did start Mere Christianity.  I’d still like to finish it before Pascha.

I haven’t done as much reading because in the evenings we’ve been listening to some pod casts from Ancient Faith Radio *and* we’ve been doing some Reading Aloud.  Some of my reading aloud is happening in the afternoon.  I posted last week about starting back to reading aloud and I’ve made it a Daily Task to Read Aloud. When it is back to being a habit, I can remove it from my daily reminders but for now it is good to see it staring me in the face every time I check my calendar or emails!

So I am currently reading these three books aloud:

  • Lady Ch’iao Kuo: Warrior of the South  by Laurence Yep.  I am reading this one aloud to Supergirl as part of her Great Empires: Ancient China study.
  • Life with Lily by Mary Ann Kinsinger and Suzanne Woods Fisher.  This is book 1 in the The Adventures of Lily Lapp.  I’m reading this one aloud to Supergirl and it’s just for fun.  It’s a nice treat to read after we’ve done any of our science or history reading.
  • Speaking of Science, I read the first half of The Magic School Bus: On the Ocean Floor to Supergirl for science, we’ll read the other half tomorrow.
  • The Sherwood Ring by Elizabeth Marie Pope.  Yes I know that’s the fourth book but I hadn’t planned on including the Magic School Bus book.  This one Supergirl hangs out with us, sometimes, but I am reading it aloud to Tailorbear. BooBear has asked me to read it “where I can hear, too.” So I guess I am still reading aloud to my 17 year old high school senior.  (Happy Sigh!)

I’m going to include the books I read aloud (well not the Magic School Bus one) towards my book reading goal.  If I’m reading it aloud, I’m reading it, right?  Especially if I’m enjoying the story!

If Debra over at Footprints in the Butter does her Read Aloud Challenge Link-Up this week, I’ll be linking this post!


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