Random Five on Friday ~ June 12th Edition
This is the second Friday of June but only my first Random Five for the month!
1. Honeybear has a garden again this year! It's his "baby" though the girls do help. I did get to help choose what to plant: tomatoes, carrots, onions, squash, cucumbers, peas and beans. The garden has little sprouts and the tomato plants have a few tomatoes. Seeing the onions takes me back to when I was growing up. My parents grew green onions and tomatoes and peas, I think. But mostly every year it was tomatoes. In general I dislike peas but fresh peas from the garden are wonderful and I am looking forward to those!
2. I didn’t post a Random Five last week but if I had I would have talked about how last week marked the two year anniversary since Honeybear's heart attack. I even wrote about it. It ranks up there as one of my top 3 most scary moments of my life.
3. Another anniversary date of sorts passed last week. I graduated from high school 29 years ago. That means that I finished my junior year of high school, 30 years ago. I don’t think that is possible. 1985 can not be 30 years ago. Nope. I am not that old. I am not. I am not. I am not. [You can stop laughing now.]
4. I am not a fast reader. Even when a book is really good, I tend to be slow. A few days ago, I finished a book in record time. Record time for me that is. I started it on June 3rd and I finished it on June 7th. I bet you want to know what it is, right? The God Complex by Murray McDonald. It’s a thriller and it is very fast-paced making it very easy to read. It was my choice for the month of June as part of the Kindle Owners Library. I’m going to check to see if I can borrow Divide and Conquer next, but I won’t be able to borrow another book until July 1st.
5. Supergirl has added a new phrase to her vocabulary. “That sucks!” I am not sure where she picked it up but she’s definitely been trying it out. “We can’t go to church that day?” “No.” “That sucks!” “I want curly fries.” “They don’t have curly fries.” “That sucks!” I’m not sure how I feel about it but having her express her frustration with “that sucks!” is far better than the melt downs. Using words is a much more pleasant way to express frustration.
*******Editor’s Note*****************
I could just back date this post so that it says it’s Friday June 12th but I’m just going to keep it real. I didn’t finish getting the images I wanted into this post so I decided not to publish. I decided to watch several episodes of the 11th Doctor (Season 7) with my family instead. So this is Friday’s edition but you get to read it on Saturday.
Thanks for the book recommendation, The God Complex. Although I have heard the book's title prior to your blog, I cannot remember from whom or it what context. Speaking of books, have you read The Shack? It takes place in the Pacific Northwest. I would be curious to hear your take on the book. If you do not have it, let me know.
Hi Mark, The God Complex is thought provoking. We own a copy of The Shack and it is on my "I should read this list." My daughter has read it and she said it was really good!